As we all know our phase 4 project outline has been changed. We were simply given 4 experiments in which we could choose to carry out. It wasn't long before my inbox was flooded with requests from my peers to "Just edit this picture okay?". Very monotonous indeed. It was then that I told myself that whatever I choose to do must be unique.
While intrigued by the first project option, it was well over used. We were asked to created a networked art piece. The art was to travel from peer to peer while taking constant shifts from digital to analog. Meant to place emphasis on the middle ground between artists, the art undergoes a digital journey that is just as responsible for the works outcome as anything else. The following are the details of my variation:
Infinity's Interface. A webpage displaying an artistic piece (currently a story). After viewing the page, users are given the option to update the work with a text contribution. With a quick refresh of the browser, Infinity's Interface itself has changed. I am very pleased with its potential; let me explain further:
After viewing the piece, you will make up your own mind on what exactly it is, and then add to it accordingly. However your conclusions are heavily reliant on previous users, and what they have given you to work with. There are no rules, yet if it was a story, one may try to keep it a story. Characters, plot, setting and narrative structure all hang in the balance as a new artist takes over the piece. Its always changing. One could opt to insert a chunk of ASCII art, changing the very definition of the whole art work. Consider the shift in creative process if you were asked to add to a story that was once a picture. Additionally, how would you interpret something in a different language? What if it was written backwards? Would you contribute differently after seeing the name of the artist before you?
Each user is connected to the art and each other by the webpage's content. Adding content in deferred time while trying to decipher the ever changing definition of what the piece entails is a challenge im sure my peers will enjoy. Thanks for reading, please comment!

Technical Issues: *EDIT - ALL ISSUES FIXED!!*
This being my first attempt at implementing self taught PHP and Actionscript there are two very minor issues:
- Authors names might not be added to a new separate line due to spacing issues.
- Page layout will be distorted once Infinity's Interface has exceeded one page in content.
Infinity's Interface
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